Category: Blog

Diarrhea On The HCG Diet

Diarrhea On The HCG Diet

What is the HCG diet? What should I know before I try it? It is a diet that encourages weight loss and loss of appetite through the HCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin). This diet is supposed to encourage fast weight loss. Some customers report losing 1-2 pounds a day. This is also the hormone present...

August 4, 2018November 2, 2022
The Differences Between the Keto Diet & HCG Diet

The Differences Between the Keto Diet & HCG Diet

Americans are always trying fad diets to help them decrease body fat and improve their eating habits. With so many to choose from, it’s difficult to figure out which one is best for you. The ketogenic and HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin diet are the latest craze and have shown positive results. There are many...

August 1, 2018November 2, 2022
HCG Diet Stall Breakers

HCG Diet Stall Breakers

When following a diet plan for weight loss, a stall can be a very frustrating experience. It might even force you to contemplate quitting the diet altogether. While this is understandable, it is always advisable to investigate all the reasons for this diet stall and correct them before you jump to any conclusions. HCG diet...

July 23, 2018November 2, 2022
HCG Dosage for Weight Loss

HCG Dosage for Weight Loss

There are many diet and weight loss plans out there for the average consumer who is looking for a way to get healthy. The last thing you need is to buy into a dangerous fad diet designed to have you lose weight, only to balloon back up after you worked so hard to lose it....

July 17, 2018November 2, 2022
How the HCG Diet Can Help Diabetes?

How the HCG Diet Can Help Diabetes?

It’s no secret that losing weight can help you feel better. It’s easier to be get around, your joints will ache less and some pre-existing medical conditions can be improved substantially after losing some pounds and improving your health. That’s especially the case with Type 2 Diabetes. This type of Diabetes is the most common...

July 13, 2018November 2, 2022
Liquid HCG Diet

Liquid HCG Diet

There’s the Indy 500. There’s the Fortune 500. And now there’s the HCG 500. The objective of the first two is to win. The objective of the latter is to lose. Lose weight, that is. Dieters consider losing a big win. HCG 500 is a radical diet that has taken center stage as a new...

July 9, 2018November 2, 2022
Cottage Cheese on HCG Diet

Cottage Cheese on HCG Diet

The HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) diet supposedly initiates rapid weight loss. Many claim that this diet sheds one to two pounds per day. As you stringently follow the diet’s protocol, you should successfully learn how to manage your portion sizes and establish a healthy relationship with food. While in India, Dr. Simeons noticed a correlation...

July 5, 2018November 2, 2022
HCG Diet Cost: Foods, Injections, Drops, Homeopathic

HCG Diet Cost: Foods, Injections, Drops, Homeopathic

If you have been hearing great things about the HCG diet, and then you decide that you want to investigate it for yourself, then you will likely discover that the sheer volume of available information on the attention grabbing program has become quite overwhelming. Your biggest concern may revolve around how many dollars this diet...

June 29, 2018November 2, 2022
HCG Diet for Vegetarians

HCG Diet for Vegetarians

If you are interested in a HCG Diet for weight loss, you have come to the right place. Losing the pounds does not have to be hard, it just takes some mindfulness and the right attitude. The HCG diet is designed to provide structure with a simple set of rules to follow. As a vegetarian,...

June 22, 2018November 2, 2022
Best Tea for HCG Diet

Best Tea for HCG Diet

If you are looking to lose weight SUPER fast than I would definitely look into trying the HCG diet. HCG, short for human chorionic gonadotropin is a completely natural hormone that the body makes during pregnancy. The diet itself consists of the hormone injections and consuming 500 calories a day. Yes, only 500. I know...

June 15, 2018November 2, 2022